Saturday, November 30, 2013

Halloween Fun

A Few Field Trips

Who doesn't love a good field trip?!

Fouth Graders at The Presidio learning about the Spanish colonial era and how archaeology can help us discover more about the people who once lived at El Presidio de San Francisco.

Pumpkin Patch and Hay Ride

Expedition of the San Francisco Estuary aboard a 90 foot research vessel!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

5th Grade-Geographic Regions

Have fun with this song! Use it to help you with our US geographic regions.  Pay attention to the lyrics and visuals.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Otsukimi & Undokai

We have had a very busy past few weeks!  Students met their kindergarten buddies (we are sharing buddies with room 206) and celebrated Otsukimi together.  Thank you so much to all the parents who helped make this day a success.  Our next buddy get together is on the 24th when we will go to the pumpkin patch!

Room 207 was part of aka-gumi (red team) this year.  がんばれ、がんばれ、あかぐみ!Thank you to the parents who make this day possible!  おつかれさまでした。

Sunday, September 22, 2013

PAN Song- 上を向いて歩こう

We will be singing 上を向いて歩こう for PAN.  Students have the lyrics and can practice along with one of these videos.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Free Muni for Youth Pilot Program

SFMTA is offering low and moderate income students residing in San Francisco free access to Muni for a 16-month period when using a Clipper card.  They are asking for student age verification but not family income verification.  This will come in handy for field trips, and I just want to pass along the info.....

Free MUNI Clipper card for kids!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Some Extra Curricular Activities.....

Taiko with Melody Sensei has started!  There was no taiko class while I was a JBBP student (many, many years ago), and we are so luck to have this opportunity now.  The students are always looking forward to Tuesday with Melody Sensei! The fourth graders are observing and learning from the fifth graders who started taiko last year.  Loving the teamwork!

Ms. Sarah is the new upper grade librarian.  I know first hand how passionate she is about children literacy.  We both went through the credential program together, and she is definitely the one to go to when it comes to books! Students will be able to check out books in our beautiful newly updated library starting tomorrow!

And who doesn't enjoy p.e with Clarendon alumni, Coach Marc!?  Rain or shine, students love spending time with him and getting in shape.  The fifth graders are required to do a timed mile run.  Both forth and fifth graders will be working on running/jogging techniques and pacing this year.